When you have faith, you have hope, when you have hope you have love, when you have love, you have everything.
I bought a gift for a friend once that had this saying on it. Our school was named Faith Nursery School, and when I saw it, I got it for my friend and one for me too.
I didn’t realize how important this saying would become to me over the years.
The past two years are like nothing we had ever anticipated- well at least I wasn’t aware of how things could change so quickly, how everything in our lives could change in an instant.
I have great faith that we will see light again.
But it pains me to see people I know starting to lose hope.
We need to heal, and it needs to happen now. When we start losing hope, that means that we are losing our faith. When we don’t have hope, love can fade into the distance. We need both faith and love to get through this.
I am pleased to announce that I have created The HOPE Project, because it breaks my heart to see so many moms who are hurting. Their jobs are stressful, relationships are strained, their health has been put on the back burner, trying to just survive each day.
HOPE stands for Healing hearts of People Everywhere.
We (my family and my team) will be working to bring you hope, healing, happiness, and balance through a new program I am creating.
I do not want my son and your children and future generations to grow up in a world that is unbalanced. I want them to have JOY and FRIENDSHIPS and KINDNESS and LOVE.
The HOPE Project launches on March 1st.   
If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed today, try this:
  1. Write down 3 things that you are grateful for
  2. Take 3 deep breaths whenever you are feeling stressed, in and out.
  3. Call a friend- connect with someone you can talk to about how you are feeling.
If you are feeling unsafe, please dial 911 immediately to get help.
I also invite you to join my free community for moms.

Happy reading and learning, 

xo Ms. Sheri

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